- This level the highest CGVA Division.
- The RED division is highly competitive.
- Game play is significantly faster and more aggressive than any other division.
- Players can run plays on good passes and can read the other team on out-of-system plays and adjust accordingly.
- Experts in 5-1, 6-2 rotations, positioning on the court, and mechanics.
- Players are generally specialized into one or two positions.
- Players are effective when executing the skills related to their specialty. For example, a hitter will likely get a kill off a good set and should only rarely hit out or into the net.
- Players in the RED division are roughly rated NAGVA/USAV as: BB/A/AA

- The ORANGE division is competitive.
- Players are required to be well-versed in CGVA and general volleyball rules.
- Players are expected to be fluent in and play 5-1, 6-2 rotational systems, know their positioning on the court, and not need any direction from teammates.
- A typical player should be able to execute all volleyball skills (hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, and serving) with some consistency.
- Players may have some skills that are stronger than others as they specialize.
- In the skills relevant to their position, player should be fairly consistent and make only occasional errors.
- Able to run plays with good passes and can typically get a kill on an open net.
- Able to play in more than one position if their team needs it.
- Players in the ORANGE division are roughly rated NAGVA/USAV as: B.

- The YELLOW division is competitive.
- Players are required to be well-versed in CGVA and general volleyball rules.
- Players are expected to play in 5-1, 6-2 rotational systems, generally know their positioning on the court, and only occasionally need direction from teammates.
- A typical player can execute most skills (hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, and serving), but the results may be error-prone.
- Players may have some skills that are stronger than others as they specialize.
- Players at this level should be able to run plays with good passes and can typically get a kill on an open net.
- Players at this level should be able to play in more than one position if their team needs it.
- Players in the ORANGE division are roughly rated NAGVA/USAV as: B

- The GREEN division is a hybrid recreational and competitive division and general volleyball knowledge is required to be a good fit.
- Players are learning and applying CGVA and general volleyball rules.
- Players in this division typically don't have any formal training but are fairly athletic and are able to move quickly to the ball and react to plays as they unfold.
- At this level players are familiar and aiming for three team contacts (bump, set, spike) on every possession.
- A typical player can execute some skills (hitting, blocking, setting, passing, digging, and serving), but the results may be error-prone.
- Players in the GREEN division may not have a NAGVA rating.

- This division is recreational and less competitive.
- The BLUE division is a good fit for players who are looking for a relaxed play style, have just started playing volleyball, and/or haven't received any formal training.
- This is a great division to learn and have fun.